CFP: The Sacred, the Spiritual and the Religious in Contemporary Global Societies

Submission deadline: December 14, 2023

Conference date(s):
December 14, 2023

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This event is available both online and in-person

Conference Venue:

CRILLASH, Université des Antilles
Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe


Conceptually, these notions - sacred, spiritual, religious - are associated with a diversity of representations that, in the collective imagination, rarely carry the same semantic, semiological or even gnostic weight in literature, science, the arts, and cultural practices. Do they refer to the same meanings regarding the scholarly observer's reception of the cult communities, cultural ethnopoetics, and the theocratic ecosystems he is targeting? From a civilizational point of view, what cultural shocks, or relational ecologies, do they provide access to? How does the indigenous component – springing from Africa, America, Asia, Oceania, the Caribbean, or Europe – reach the heart of communities pulled by a return to origins?

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#Journée d'étude, #International Sudy Day, #CRILLASH, #Université de Mayotte, #NaKaN, #Cultural Studies, #