Canadian Philosophical Association 2024 Meeting
845 Rue Sherbrooke O, Montréal, QC H3A 0G4, Canada
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The Canadian Philosophical Association invites submissions of papers, abstracts, and symposium proposals for its 2024 annual meeting. This meeting is part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences taking place June 12 - 21 at McGill University in Montreal, QC. The CPA annual meeting, held June 18 - 21, will feature concurrent colloquia and symposia, and a plenary keynote given by a distinguished philosopher and sponsored by the Canadian Journal of Philosophy. And, for the second year in a row, there will be a series of special sessions, each of which will pair two prominent philosophers on a topic of shared interest. Speakers will be announced soon.
The program committee anonymously referees abstracts as well as full papers and will consider proposals for symposia. Submissions in all areas of philosophy are welcome. The CPA is committed to organizing an accessible and inclusive meeting.
In an effort to finalize the schedule in a timely manner, the deadlines for the 2024 meeting are earlier than in previous years: The deadline for symposium proposals is October 16, 2023 at 11:59pm ET. The deadline for abstract and paper submissions is midnight, November 1, 2023 at 11:59pm ET.
Please note that the rules for symposia and abstract submissions have changed:
-Symposia submissions must be 500-750 words, and must include (i) a description of the topic of the symposium and its importance (recommended: a brief 100-200 word description for each presentation); and (ii) a list of participants who have confirmed attendance.
-Abstract submissions must be 500-750 words. They should give a clear idea of the central theses defended, and, more importantly of the arguments to defend them. (Rules for full-paper submissions will be the same as in previous years).
All submissions will be managed through EasyChair. Upon submission, you will be prompted to choose two areas of philosophy. Please choose the areas that best fit your submission. Even imperfect matches will help the Program Committee find appropriate referees for your submission. For further, detailed instructions, please visit Submissions must be made by an active member of the CPA. New member enrollment and membership renewals for 2024 will be accepted starting October 2, 2023. Please visit for more information.
A number of prizes are awarded by the Association for essays submitted for the Annual Meeting: two faculty essay prizes (one tenured, one non-tenured) and up to three student essay prizes (one student prize is reserved for each official language). In each year’s December issue of Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, prize winners from that year's Annual Meeting will be announced and a short list of exceptional papers that have been vetted by journal reviewers will be published. Prize winners are encouraged to submit their publication-ready papers to Dialogue early.
Finally, we extend a Call for volunteers to referee papers, or to chair, and/or comment at the meeting. If you are interested in volunteering for these roles, please click here.
Participants can show up in the program only in one primary role, either as a speaker in a symposium, or as an author of a paper (either full or based on abstract). However, participants can and are encouraged to also comment and chair other sessions.
For more information about the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, please visit
Any inquiries should be directed at the Program Chair, Juan S. Piñeros Glasscock, at [email protected].
Link to CFP at CPA site:
Link for further submission instructions:
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