Call for Online Book Chapters: Transcultural Media Narratives: Mapping the Cross-Cultural Communication Landscape

Submission deadline: October 30, 2023


This book seeks to bridge the gap in the existing literature by offering a comprehensive exploration of the impact of the media context on cross-cultural communication. It aims to examine diverse perspectives, theories, and practical approaches that address the complexities of the media field in an increasingly interconnected and culturally diverse world. By bringing together interdisciplinary insights, case studies, and theoretical frameworks, this online book will provide a holistic understanding of the crucial role that media plays in shaping cross-cultural communication and its implications for societal cohesion, intercultural dialogue, and global understanding. 


We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners from various disciplines to submit chapters that address the intersection of the media landscape and cross-cultural communication. We welcome original research, theoretical perspectives, case studies, and practical studies that explore the following themes (but are not limited to):

§  Arts and Cross-Cultural Communication

§  Artistic Resistance and Cultural Activism

§  Audiovisual Translation and Intercultural Communication

§  Localization and Globalization of Media Content

§  Advertising and/or propaganda representations and Cross-Cultural Communication

§  Cross-cultural advertising and the importance of cultural sensitivity

§  Media relations in cross-cultural strategic communication

§  Media ethics and cultural considerations in strategic communication

§  Cross-cultural storytelling and narrative development in strategic communication

§  Social Media and Intercultural Dialogue

§  Media Literacy and Intercultural Competence

§  Digital Media and Virtual Communities

§  Media Framing and Cross-Cultural Conflicts

§  Media Ethics and Cultural Sensitivity


For inquiries and submissions, please contact: 

§  Prof. Karima BOUZIANE: [email protected] 


 §  Prof. Eduardo CAMILO: [email protected]

More information about the call for book chapters:

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