CFP: Joint Conference of the Leibniz Society of North America and the Société d’études leibniziennes de langue française
Submission deadline: December 12, 2023
Conference date(s):
June 13, 2024 - June 15, 2024
Conference Venue:
Université de Paris 1, Sorbonne
Topic areas
Joint Conference of the Leibniz Society of North America (LSNA) and
the Société d’études leibniziennes de langue française (SELLF)
Paris, 13-15 June, 2024.
Pour le français voir ci-dessous)
The Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Leibniz Society of North America (LSNA) will be held jointly with the Sixth Conference of the Société d’études leibniziennes de langue française (SELLF). The conference will take place at the Sorbonne June 13-15, 2024. The goal of the joint conference is to share research and increase interaction between the two scholarly communities.
Half of the papers will be in French, the other half in English. Each talk (30 minutes) will be followed by comments (15 minutes) in the other language. They can address any aspect of Leibniz’s work, including influences on his thought and its reception. Discussion will be in both languages, where flexibility will be paramount.
Submissions should take the form of an abstract (max 450 words) and title, and sent to:
[email protected]. The deadline is December 12, 2023.
Submissions will be evaluated by a joint committee composed of representatives of both societies. The decisions for the program will be made by the end of January, 2024.
The LSNA has some funding to help early career scholars cover travel expenses.
Speakers are asked to send their papers to their commentators 4 weeks ahead of the conference, by May 15, 2024. Commentators are asked to send their response to the speaker one week before the conference, by June 6, 2024.
For submissions in English, we ask (but do not require) that authors join the Leibniz Society of North America. Membership dues fund the operation of the LSNA and subsidies for travel for early career scholars. For participation in the conference, membership in one of the two societies will be mandatory.
While the LSNA is based in North America, membership is open to all those with a scholarly interest in Leibniz, regardless of country of residence. Joining the Society requires payment of annual dues, which include a subscription to the Leibniz Review.
The rates for LSNA membership are:
· $20/year for online-only subscriptions for student members
· $30/year for online-only subscriptions for non-student members
· $35/year for print+online subscriptions within the U.S. and Canada
· $40/year for print+online subscriptions outside of the U.S. and Canada
Memberships can be obtained on the LSNA website:
Appel à communication – Congrès commun SELLF et LSNA (Paris, 13-15 juin 2024)
Le 6e congrès de la Société d’études leibniziennes de langue française (SELLF) se tiendra à Paris, en Sorbonne, les 13, 14 et 15 juin 2024.
Il sera organisé en association avec la Leibniz Society of North America (LSNA) et se déroulera pour moitié en français et en anglais. Il sera l’occasion de réunir pour le seconde fois (après Montréal en 2018) les chercheurs des deux communautés linguistiques.
Chaque communication (30 minutes) sera suivie d’un commentaire (15 minutes dans l’autre langue que celle choisie) par un répondant.
Elle pourra porter sur tout aspect de l’œuvre de Leibniz, des sources et de la réception de sa pensée. Aucun thème particulier n’est retenu ni privilégié.
Les propositions de communications (titre et résumé, 450 mots maximum) sont à envoyer avant le 12 décembre 2023 à l’adresse
La décision du comité d’évaluation sera rendue fin janvier 2024.
Les textes des communications retenues devront être envoyés aux répondants désignés un mois avant le congrès (le 15 mai 2024). Les répondants sont ensuite priés d’envoyer leurs commentaires aux auteurs une semaine au plus tard avant le début du congrès (6 juin 2024).
La participation au congrès suppose l’adhésion à l’une des deux sociétés organisatrices (SELLF ou LSNA).