CFP: Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy

Submission deadline: November 30, 2023

Topic areas


Call for papers

The reception of manuscripts is open permanently.

Age biases and deliberative democracy: new challenges (Deadline Nov 15, 2023)

Guest editors: Mar Cabezas and María G. Navarro (University of Salamanca).

In 2024, 44 years of studies on one of the most important models of democracy, deliberative democracy, will be completed. Studies on deliberative democracy have increased significantly in recent years and acquire special relevance in the contemporary political horizon and its challenges. Among these, this issue intends to analyze the impact that the demographic variable has on the model of deliberative democracy understood as a dialogical practice involved in the process of forming a public reason (James Bohman, 1996), that is, a form of political cooperation present in participatory conceptions of deliberative democracy such as the one recently defended by Cristina Lafont (2021).

In order to do so, this issue intends to explore the impact of the age bias on the translation and materialization of the rights of the most vulnerable population groups to the age bias from the theoretical framework of deliberative democracies. Thus, works from Political Philosophy are welcome, in dialogue with disciplines such as Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Sociology or Political Science. The following topics are proposed in a non-exclusive way:

-The age biases in the conceptions of deliberative democracy;

-Age biases in the testimonies and narratives on political participation;

-Age biases in social movements;

-Age biases in methodologies such as mini-publics (e.g., consensus conferences, deliberative polls, citizen panels, assemblies, etc.);

-Age biases and deliberative behavior;

-Age biases and online deliberation;

-Age biases and deliberative negotiation;

-Age biases and deliberative democracy in Latin America;

-Age biases and democratic innovation;

-Age bias and epistemocracy.

Submissions are welcome in English, Spanish, or French.

Guidelines for authors:

Manuscript reception deadline: November 30, 2023.

Issue publication date: July 2024.

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#Political Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Social Epistemology, Biases, Democracy, Deliberation, Applied Political Philosophy