Socrates at the Agora: What purpose does philosophical dialogue serve today?

December 7, 2013 - December 8, 2013
The Institute of History of Philosophy (E.A. 3276), (Institut d'histoire de la la philosophie « IHP »), Université Aix-Marseille



  • Research Center for Classical Philosophy "Kairos Kai Logos", (Centre d'Etudes sur la Pensée Antique « kairos kai logos »)

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The Institute of History of Philosophy (E.A. 3276), (Institut d'histoire de la la philosophie « IHP », Aix-Marseille université) together with the Research Center for Classical Philosophy "Kairos Kai Logos"), (Centre d'Etudes sur la Pensée Antique « kairos kai logos »), organizes an international conference entitled "Socrates at the Agora : What purpose does philosophical dialogue serve today? " (Socrate à l'agora: que peut la parole philosophique ?).

The conference is being held in Aix-en-Provence next 7-8 December 2013.

The event aims to determine the role and status of philosophical dialogue in ancient and modern practical philosophy by discussing certain modern practices, which draw their inspiration from this model. Some of the most relevant specialists on these issues will present and discuss the last research trends and methods used in the fields of Practical Philosophy.

Through the renewed contemporary interest in practical philosophy, it is possible to consider that the time has come to try and clarify how philosophers and modern professionals returned to the Agora, and to begin thinking about the philosophical, ethical and political stakes of philosophical discourse as well as about the philosophical practices in which this takes shape and happens. Which philosophical questions do these practices answer? Which ideas and methods guide these professionals? Are they compatible with the demands of academic philosophy? Is it possible to develop academic educational programs that meet these practices?

These are some of the questions that form the background of this extraordinary event that is planned to be the first step of a Multi-Year Research Program Plan.

Registration fee will be 50€ (35€ if participants can't be present and only want to acquire an exemplar 
of the selected papers) and 10€ for students under 26.

For registration and more information we invite you to visit our website : and/or contact the coordinator in charge of the organization, Dr. Mieke de Moor, at [email protected] or at [email protected].

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