CFP: Yale Philosophy Review Issue X: Puzzle & Paradox

Submission deadline: December 22, 2023


The Yale Philosophical Review (YPR) is a journal that publishes philosophical writing by undergrads. We believe that philosophical writing encompasses more than just academic papers. In addition to papers, we’ll publish short stories, book reviews, and other pieces of literature that speak to philosophical questions. We solicit pieces from undergrads worldwide, and all of our editors are Yale undergraduates. We are putting out a call for papers for our tenth issue, Puzzle & Paradox.

The YPR publishes two sorts of pieces. The first are articles of academic philosophy. Academic articles should take clear, non-obvious, and innovative philosophical positions, and explicitly argue in favor of the position. Any of the pieces published in issues I-VI of the YPR are good examples of academic articles. You can find back issues of YPR on the Philosophy Documentation Center website here.

The second sort are pieces of non-traditional, speculative, and literary philosophy. This category is intentionally broad. Our only guideline is that submissions in the non-traditional category must approach a philosophical question, issue, or problem in a creative way that does not exclusively rely on explicit argument. Types of acceptable submissions may include, but are not limited to, short stories, thought experiments, poems, or book reviews. A wonderful example of such a piece is Lewis Carrol’s “What the Tortoise Said to Achilles,” which you can find here. You can find more examples in our reading group syllabus below.

If you'd like to read our back issues, go to our website, here:

If you're interested in applying or would like to learn more, please see this form: 

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#Student journal, #Undergraduate, #Undergrad, #Undergrad journal, #Undergraduate journal, #Journal, #Creative Writing, #Speculative Philosophy, #Fiction, #Speculative fiction