14th Summer School on the Ethics of War
Auditorium of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Minho, Braga.
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14th Summer School on the Ethics of War
8-10 July 2024
University of Minho, Braga
Organising Committee: CEPS (Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society).
Convenors: Sara Cruz; Pedro Silva; Roberto Merrill.
Venue: Auditorium of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Minho, Braga.
Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:
- Fighting unjust wars and obeying unjust orders: is the Nuremberg defense still a legitimate moral defense? Should it still be a legal defense?
- The morality of conscription.
- Whether and when states are allowed to employ private military contractors.
- The ethics of using Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles, Autonomous Lethal Weapons, Killer Robots, and Military Artificial Intelligence.
- The challenges of asymmetric and urban warfare, such as adhering to the principles of discrimination and proportionality
- The moral status of human shields
- Intergenerational justice, historic injustice, and the ethics of war
- Military virtues in contemporary warfare
- Information warfare and propaganda
The school will host Professors Helen Frowe, Susanne Burri, Jeff MacMahan and Isaac Taylor.
Abstracts of no longer than 300 words and a short bio (in English) must be submitted until 31 March 2024 through this form. After being peer reviewed, selected participants can expect to be notified by the end of April. For more information regarding the school, please visit the event’s website https://summerschoolethicsofwar.weebly.com/, which we’ll keep updating. In case you have any doubts or questions feel free to send us an email to [email protected] .
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