Jason Stanley: The Politics of Language - 1st Dortmund Conference on Philosophy and Society

October 1, 2024
Department of Philosophy and Political Science, Dortmund University

Dortmund 44137

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Yale University


Dortmund University
Dortmund University
Dortmund University

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1st Dortmund ‘Philosophy and Society’ Conference with Jason Stanley (Yale)

The Department of Philosophy and Political Science at TU Dortmund University is delighted to announce the 1st Dortmund ‘Philosophy and Society’ Conference, taking place on October 1st, 2024, in Dortmund, Germany. This inaugural event will feature Jason Stanley, co-author of “The Politics of Language” (Princeton University Press, 2023), as a distinguished speaker.

Conference Theme

This year’s conference centers on David Beaver and Jason Stanley’s “The Politics of Language.” The book offers a novel account of how speech impacts audiences. On Beaver and Stanley’s account, linguistic actions exemplify social practices and have so-called resonances (emotions, social identities, etc.), which carry ideological significance. Their analysis focuses specifically on more covert ways in which speech can inflict harm on groups.


• Tim Grasshöfer (Uni Düsseldorf): „Indirect Communication in Deliberative Spaces – What’s so Bad about Implicatures in the Political Domain?“

• Nadia Ben Hassine (Cambridge University): “Shared Languages of Justice”

• Yasha Sapir (University of Southern California): “Slurring and Complicity”

• Caleb Kendrick (Univ. of Maryland, College Park) & Samuel Cantor (Univ. of Texas, Austin): “Slurring without slurs: the case of focus”

• Jason Stanley (Yale University): Keynote Address

Date, Venue, Registration 

October 1st, 2024

TU Dortmund University, Germany

To register for the event as a participant, please send an email to [email protected] your name and affiliation by September 13. Participation is free of charge.

Organizing Committee, Contact

Katja Crone

Max Gab

Peter Königs ([email protected])

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