Meaning and Reality in Social Context II
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Meaning & Reality in Social Context II delves into philosophical issues with significant societal and practical import, including topics in social philosophy of language, social ontology, social epistemology, and more.
In addition to 8 individual papers, our exploration features two dynamic panels: one scrutinizes the impact of increasingly advanced AI, the other probes into the interplay between geographical, political, and linguistic contexts in shaping our intellectual pursuits.
By bringing together scholars with diverse expertise, our goal is to facilitate insightful reflections and discussions that contribute to a fuller understanding of our lives in the social world.
We are happy to announce that the invited speakers in this event will be:
*Sam Berstler on Controlling the Subject: Coerced Speech and Existential Face Threat
*Esa Díaz-León on Epistemic Injustice and Social Construction
*Sanford Goldberg on Speaker, Participant, Addressee, Overhearer:Normative Entanglements in Conversation
*Quill Kukla on Uptake and Consent
*Shen-yi Liao on The Social Meaning of Racist
*Nikolaj J. L. L. Pedersen on On the Nature, Value, and Significance of Asian Analytic Philosophy
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Should you have any question about the conference, please do not hesitate to contact Hsiang-Yun Chen: [email protected].
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