Music and Ethics

May 17, 2024 - May 19, 2024
School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta 30030
United States

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College of Staten Island (CUNY)
Georgia Institute of Technology

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Music and ethics each draw on capacities (e.g., intentionality, empathy, agency) which are older and deeper than the theoretical frameworks which account for them, older even than language itself.

Can parallels be drawn between music and ethics? Do music and ethics have a common root? Or are they atleast intertwined in some way?

This workshop aims to draw connections between music and ethics, especially in terms of pre- linguistic cognition. Topics which might include:

  • The experience of temporality and rhythm
  • Bodily aspects of music and of social interaction generally, including gesture
  • Music and ethics as structuring interpersonal relationships
  • The role of rehearsal in gaining musical and ethical capabilities

Interdisciplinary contributions are welcome, including perspectives from philosophy, cognitive science,musicology, psychology, anthropology, archaeology, neurology, and other related fields.

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