The Fourth International Conference for Doctoral Students in Philosophy. Mirroring the Classics in the Contemporary Philosophical Thought
Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu, no. 1
Cluj-Napoca 400084
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Deadline for abstract submissions: March 18, 2024 (extended)
Communication of acceptance: March 25, 2024
Deadline for paper submission (only for accepted proposals): April 29, 2024.
For submissions, please send your work at [email protected]
More details:
Theme: Mirroring the Classics in the Contemporary Philosophical Thought
The Fourth International Conference for Doctoral Students in Philosophy tries to explore the dialog and interplay between the contemporary philosophical thought and the canonical texts that lay at the foundation of philosophy as a discipline. We invite PhD students to explore a series of questions related to this main topic: how did contemporary authors integrate main concepts and theories of the classical philosophers and how did they transgress the philosophical canon in their speculative endeavor? What are the perils and shortcomings or advantages and benefits of interpreting the past philosophical thought with the contemporary conceptual tools? How new philosophical branches sprung out from the interpretative tradition of classical texts? What new political, ethical, social and aesthetical phenomena the contemporary philosophy study and what role past practices played in their emergence? What heuristic and educational value do contemporary reconstructions of the philosophical thought have for understanding our present?
The Doctoral School of Philosophy from Babeș-Bolyai University invites submissions for the fourth installment of the International Conference for Doctoral Students in Philosophy that is going to take place on May 16-17, 2024. The event will be organized in a hybrid format. The conference is supported by three research centers of the Faculty of History and Philosophy: Center for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Center for Applied Philosophy and Department of Philosophy in Hungarian Language.
Official languages of the conference are: English, Romanian and Hungarian.
Besides the main topic of the event, we invite submissions of papers from all areas and topics of philosophy: phenomenology, semiology, hermeneutics, ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy, philosophy of culture and communication, logic, history of philosophy, studies of ancient and medieval philosophy, Romanian philosophy, Hungarian philosophy, and P4C (philosophy for children). Commemorating 40 years since the departure of Michel Foucault, we invite exploring his philosophical thought in relation to its ancient, medieval and modern sources.
The conference will have thematic parallel panels organized according to the topics of the papers, in all the official languages of the conference. The presentations will be made either online or on site, at the Babeș-Bolyai University, depending on the request of the participants. All the doctoral students of the Doctoral School of Philosophy are kindly asked to participate in situ. Participants should specify when submitting their abstract whether they wish to participate in presence or online. Before the event the participants will send a draft version of their paper.
Abstract and paper submission
Abstracts should be up to 350 words, written in English and must contain the title of the contribution and a short description of the main topic, thesis, purpose and argumentative unfolding of the paper. The draft papers should be ready for blind review, no longer than 10 pages (text body: Times New Roman, at 12 points, justified, spacing at 1,5 lines), suitable for a 15-minute talk followed by 10 minutes Q&A.
Deadline for abstract submissions: March 11, 2024.
Communication of acceptance: March 25, 2024
Deadline for paper submission (only for accepted proposals): April 29, 2024.
For submissions, please send your work at [email protected], with the subject of the message PHILOSOPHY_2024. The author’s personal information (full name, affiliation, contact information, language of the presentation and attending method: online or on site) should be specified in the message and omitted from the attachment of the word document containing the abstract or draft paper.
Please feel free to get in touch with Ile Vlad, the secretary of the Doctoral School of Philosophy ([email protected]), for any further questions you may have.
Opportunities for publication
The scientific committee of the conference will select a number of papers to be published in collective volumes hosted by Studia UBB Philosophia[1] and Revista de Filosofie Aplicată[2].
This is a student event (e.g. a graduate conference).
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