Virtue Epistemology: Beyond Foundationalism and Naturalism
Bulnes 642
Buenos Aires 1176
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CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - Ernest Sosa in Buenos Aires
The Argentine Society for Philosophical Analysis (SADAF) is pleased to invite you to the V Juan Rodriguez Larreta Lectures. In this opportunity our guest speaker is Ernest Sosa (Rutgers University). You can find the schedule below.
The Lectures will take place in SADAF: Bulnes 642, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, CP: 1142 ( This is an in-person event. All are welcome to attend, but if you are not a member of SADAF, prior registration is required. Please register at: [email protected]
Virtue Epistemology: Beyond Foundationalism and Naturalism
* Wednesday, May 13, 17:00 hs - Default Assumptions and Virtue Epistemology
* Thursday, May 14, 17:00 hs - Dawning Light Epistemology: Against Foundationalism
* Friday, May 15, 17:00 hs - Armchair Philosophy: Against Naturalism
March 11, 2024, 5:00pm ART