IX Annual Moscow Conference «Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy – 9: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Theory of Consciousness, Cognitive Science and AI, Theology»
H.26 Maronovsky lane
Moscow 119049
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Foundation for the Humanities
Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy–9: Metaphysics,Epistemology, Theory of Consciousness, Cognitive Science and AI, Theology
Dear Colleagues,
From April 11 to April 13, 2024, the IX Moscow international conference (workshop) «Transcendental turn in contemporary philosophy–9: metaphysics, epistemology, theory of consciousness, cognitive science and artificial intelligence, theology» will be held.
Faculty of Philosophy of the SAUH, Faculty of Philosophy of the RSUH, Foundations for the Humanities, SCMAI RAS invite you to participate in it.
The workshop–2024 continues the series of thematic workshops “Transcendental Turn in Contemporary Philosophy” which were held in April 2016 (proceedings: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29024766), April 2017 (proceedings: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=30560011), April 2018 (theses: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35240888),April 2019 (theses: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=39452678,proceedings: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=41494716), April/October 2020 (theses: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp? id=44404439), April 2021(theses: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=47196636; proceedings: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=48458596); April 2022(theses: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49505613; proceedings: https://www.academia.edu/93905826/); April 2023 (abstract: https://www.academia.edu/110312036/).
Perspective/scope of the conference. In his definition of transcendental philosophy Kant postulates shift (turn) from studying of objects to studying of [aprioristic] mode of cognition [CPR, B25] as «the altered method of our thinking» [CPR, BVXIII]. On the one hand, such transcendental turn leads to new metaphysics; on the other hand, the transcendental shift to studying of «mode of our cognition» predetermines influence of a transcendentalism on contemporary development of epistemology, cognitive sciences, and artificial intelligence.
Format: there will be several thematic sessions in the mixed format (offline and online).
Main themes (sessions/round tables) of the workshop:
11:04 (SAUH)
Ø 1.1. How metaphysics (as a science) is possible (?): on the way to transcendental metaphysics (anniversary meeting dedicated to the 300th of the birth of Kant);
Ø 1.2. Transcendentalism, cognitive science and problems of AI; round table «From a transcendentalism to a neuro-transcendentalism».
12:04 (RSHU)
Ø 2.1. Transcendental subject: Plato, Kant, Husserl;
Ø 2.2. Transcendentalism and phenomenology–1: consciousness, cognition and reality.
13:04 (RSHU)
Ø 2.1. Round table «How is transcendental theology possible?» (based on materials of «Studies in Transcendental Philosophy» (vol. 4, 2023; https://ras.jes.su/transcendental/issue.2023.4.11.3);
Ø 2.2. Transcendentalism and phenomenology–2: consciousness, cognition and reality.
Deadline of order taking (theses) for participation — March 25, 2024
Participation forms:
o Thematic (section) talks (15 – 25 min.);
o Talks in a format of "a round table" (5 – 7 min.).
Venue: Russian Federation, Moscow: SAUH, RSUH.
Conditions for participants: organizing committee does not cover travelling and living expenses, but willing to give necessary informational support.
Organizing & Program Committee:Chairman – member of Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Lektorsky, co-chairman PhD S. Katrechko, PhD А. Shiyan, PhD A. Alekseev.
Background information: E-mail: [email protected]
For additional information contact Katrechko Sergey ([email protected]; +7 (977)3824070) and Shiyan Anna ([email protected];+7 (916)0511324). Information will be also placed on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/832680423448942/.
Address of steering committee: room 225, H.26, Maronovsky Lane, Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation; +7 (499) 238-47-04.
To participate in the workshop it is necessary to send the entry ann.1) and theses of the talks (up to 2000 words (12000 symbols); Word) to email [email protected] before the 25 of March 2024. Theses must be provided with an abstract and background information about the author (full name, degree, place of employment, contacts; see ann.2). Digest of theses is planned to be published before the workshop starts.
The Proceedings of the workshop is planned to be published, while chosen papers of the contributors will be published in “Studies in Transcendental Philosophy”
(https://transcendental.su/; https://ras.jes.su/transcendental-en)
Yours respectfully, Conference Organizing Committee
Annex 1.
Application form for the participant of Transcendental Workshop-8
(April 11-13, 2024)
Full name
Section / Topic
Form of Participation (full-time, part-time, talk/presentation via Skype/Zoom)
Additional participation in the round-table
Place of employment (studying), address
Е-mail, phone number
Contact (postal) address, postal code
Annex 2.
Rules for drafting of theses for the Transcendental Workshop – 7
1. Theses must be presented on А4 210х297 mm format with the margins: the left margin – 20 mm, the right one – 15 mm, the upper margin – 15 mm and the bottom one – 15 mm. Don’t number the pages. Drafting should be done in Microsoft Word, font – Times New Roman.
2. On the left, at the top, in italics and lower case – a name and a surname of an author, then with the standard font: a degree, a place of employment (studying), a city [country].
3. Annotation (abstract): up to 100 words (Times New Roman font size 11, in italics).
4. Key words: 5 – 7 words (Times New Roman font size 11, in italics).
5. Then skip a line, and on the next one in a bold font in the centre write a name of the theses.
6. Next through the line - the text of the papers: alignment in width, font Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1. Without footnotes; References should be minimized.
7. References to the literature should be made in the text, in square brackets (the source number from the list, page numbers separated by commas). After the text of the article – References (font size 11).
8. Theses size – 2000 words (up to 12000 characters with spaces, 3-4 page in general).
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