Meat-Eating as Ideology and ‘Meat-Eaters’ Fragility’
Tracy Isaacs (University of Western Ontario)

April 15, 2024, 3:15pm - 4:45pm

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Stockholm University
University of Gothenburg
University of Vienna

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The Collective Ethics Seminar: Online Presentation – 15 April 2024 - 15.15 - 16.45 CET / 09.15 - 10.45 EST

Tracy Isaacs (Western University) - Meat-Eating as Ideology and ‘Meat-Eaters’ Fragility’

On Monday 15 April 2024, Tracy Isaacs will give an online presentation at the Collective Ethics Seminar entitled ‘Meat-Eating as Ideology and ‘Meat-Eaters’ Fragility’.

Abstract: Two major lines of reasoning yield the result that we should give up animal products. The first draws attention to the vast animal suffering and exploitation involved in factory farming, from which comes 99% of animal products consumed globally. The second focuses on the impact of animal farming on the Earth’s climate and environment. Each recognizes that the enormous scale of animal use and consumption necessitates a collective action solution. Despite compelling reasons found in both lines of reasoning, it is difficult to have reasonable conversations about the topic. Meanwhile, the reality of animal suffering and exploitation and the impact of factory farming of animals on our planet are states of urgency. We need a way forward. I introduce two related ideas that explain why it’s so difficult to discuss the human use and consumption of animal products: Meat-eating as an ideology within a larger ideology of human dominion/entitlement/supremacy over animals and a phenomenon I call “meat-eaters’ fragility” (modelled on Robin DiAngelo’s “white fragility” 2018). The ideology of meat-eating generates widespread ignorance of its wrongness. The accompanying fragility serves to protect meat-eaters’ privilege over non-human animals. Because of the scale of the issue the required solution requires a collective effort that acknowledges the hold of ideology while also preserving human agency and choice. Taking meat-eaters’ fragility seriously, I propose a strategic approach to challenging the status quo, concluding with some practical strategies that take this approach.

The online seminar is open for all to attend. The session starts at 15.15 CET / 09.15 EST. You can join the session via the following link:

For more information about the seminar and the schedule for 2024S, please see

We hope to see you at the seminar!

Kind regards,

Gunnar Björnsson (Stockholm University), Olle Blomberg (University of Gothenburg), and Niels de Haan (University of Vienna)

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