Experimenting with sense making.
Andreas Roepstorff (Aarhus University)

March 12, 2024, 11:00am - 12:00pm

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Monash University


Please note that this talk is at 11am-12pm Melbourne time. Use Australian Eastern Daylight Time when daylight savings applies (first Sunday in October to first Sunday in April). Use Australian Eastern Standard Time for rest of the time


How can one experiment with sense making? If indeed the mind is embodied, persons are interconnected, and living is world making, then exploring experience can be so much else than merely changing the stimuli around oneself.  Rather, even small changes in attitude, perspective or attention may elicit moments, where the world present itself differently.

We have explored ways to foster such experiences through experiments developed in dialogues between researchers, artists and practitioners.

It can be an invitation from another person to embody space in novel ways. It may be the sudden experience of agency that emerges in an interaction, be that with another being or with objects that one would normally consider to be inert. It may be the exploration of a future perspective where the present becomes a past. Or it may simply systematically be asking the question: what did you actually experience? 

The interventions outline spaces of experiencing that are delineated by playful, reflective experimenting.  They are playful, in the sense that they invite for enaction to unfold in situations where uncertainty and unpredictability are embedded in a relatively ‘safe’ framework and setting, typically a museum, gallery or another institutional public space. They are experimental in the sense that they attempt to document the unfolding processes using a multitude of approaches. They are reflective in the sense that they aspire for the documentation and analysis to be folded back into the experiment - and integrated into the experience.

 In my talk, I will present some of our interventions. They seem to offer ways to explore forms of interaction and sense making, where gentle invitations to experiment open experiential spaces that call for reflection. Hopefully, such experiments may allow to experience experience - and sense making - as embodied and informational; collaborative and dialogical.

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