Embodied contemplative states: an experience for first responders in 18 countries in the humanitarian sector.Paula Ramírez
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Please note that this talk is at 11am-12pm Melbourne time. Use Australian Eastern Daylight Time when daylight savings applies (first Sunday in October to first Sunday in April). Use Australian Eastern Standard Time for rest of the time.
Outline of talk:
- The need to include contemplative practices and the body for an overall understanding of mental health into the humanitarian work: a model for first responders.
- The program: MBSR with a trauma and cultural sensitivity based within 18 countries.
- Results from a study made by UNSW in 7 of those countries: Afghanistan, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nigeria, Yemen, Iraq.
- Specific examples of trauma sensitive modifications
- Specific examples on cultural sensitivity explorations
- What contemplative practices bring as a quality for the perceived sense of safety, resting, and feeling human again (this is a reflection around the paradox of working in the humanitarian field with people completely disembodied from what being human feels like) with a practice for closing.
Paula Ramírez works at Breathe International, and participates in research projects around the world. http://www.breathe.international/
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