Selection of a Journal for Research Publication
Murari P. Tapaswi

April 30, 2024, 3:00pm - 6:00pm

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The School of Sanskrit, Philosophy and Indic Studies (SSPIS) at Goa University cordially invites you to the online guest lecture titled "Selection of a Journal for Research Publication" by Dr. Murari P. Tapaswi. Kindly join us on 30 April (Tuesday) from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM at  

Since mid-2019, white lists of journals under the banner 'UGC-CARE List' have been in place to guide the researchers in which journals they should publish their research results. However, one needs to understand well, especially while consulting group II lists, since not all items within the list are recognized by UGC-CARE. These lists are dynamic. Journals get added and removed. It is therefore important to know which journal is likely to last long on the lists. There are some additional parameters to make a decision on which of the lists suit best for your area of expertise and how would you short-list the best journal for your publication. The 'Open Access journals' was introduced sometime in the last decade of the 20th century. That has given birth to the predatory and hijacked/cloned journals. A researcher needs to understand how to identify these and distance from them. The talk ends with some AI tools that help in identifying the right journal for your research.

Dr. Murari P. Tapaswi is a professional in the field of library and information science, providing information services to academics and researchers for about the last 50 years. He is invited to deliver talks on the areas that are of interest to researchers, especially on Research Ethics and Research Methodology, and to the professionals in information science. He was associated with the CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography (CSIR-NIO), Goa for about 34 years and thereafter with Goa University for about 6 years. Therefore, he had an opportunity to closely interact with academics and researchers, understand their needs, and find adequate solutions to meet those. Besides standard library and information services, he acquired vast experience in institutional information handling and dissemination. With a Master's degree in Science, Documentation & Information Science, and a Ph.D. in Scientometrics, he developed an interest in applying those techniques in areas such as information handling, and research productivity measurement. While at CSIR-NIO, he was also associated with the activities of UN organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO for several years, for the development of marine science databases, and guided in orientation programs, and interacted with the international community. As a post-retirement activity, he continues to share his experiences in invited talks, be a consultant, writes a blog in Marathi on research achievements of Indian laboratories, and is a freelance translator for the English-Marathi language pair. He has been honoured by conferring the 'Best Librarian' Award of 2013 by the Govt. of Goa.

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