Nurturing Democratic Responsibility in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

October 3, 2024 - October 5, 2024
Department of Philosophy and Religion, Clemson University

230 Madren Center
United States

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  • College of Arts and Humanities, Clemson University



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Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum 24th Annual Conference

Clemson University, October 3-5, 2024

Nurturing Democratic Responsibility in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The conference brings together educators, scholars, experts, and practitioners in the field of ethics education to explore the complex relationship between democracy, responsibility, and the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. The conference will examine the ethical implications of AI's integration into democratic systems and analyze the responsible deployment of AI in shaping democratic processes. The conference will focus on sharing best practices, innovative teaching methodologies, and pedagogical approaches to effectively engage students in critical ethical reasoning related to the rapid advancement of AI technologies. The objective of the conference is to (1) better equip educators with the necessary tools to foster responsible and engaged citizens committed to the principles of democracy. We will also (2) discuss ethical challenges concerning the integration of AI in democratic processes and explore strategies to address these challenges in the classroom and beyond

Conference Topics:

·      Ethical discourse and civility: Strategies for engaging students in ethical discussions regarding democracy and responsibility.

·      Sharing teaching methodologies and case studies that effectively incorporate the ethics of AI and democratic responsibility into various educational settings.

·      Ethical implications of AI in democratic decision-making: How can educators foster critical reflection and ethical reasoning skills?

·      The role of AI in fostering civic engagement and participation in democratic processes.

·      Ethical considerations regarding algorithmic bias and fairness in AI systems and their consequences for democracy.

·      Ethics, privacy, and digital rights: Approaches to teaching about the impact of AI on citizens' rights.

·      The ethical implications of automated decision-making systems & AI integration in democratic governance.

·      Trust, transparency, and accountability: ensuring responsible AI while maintaining democratic values.

·      Case studies and best practices in teaching responsible leadership

Proposals are due July 31, 2024

Submissions may include full papers or abstracts of no more than 250 words; session formats include papers, panels, case study analysis and discussion, poster sessions and pedagogical demonstrations. Presentations are typically 20-25 minutes in length, allowing for 5-10 minutes of Q&A. Submissions are to be formatted for blind review. We encourage undergraduate and graduate students to submit their work. The Society sponsors a competition for the best paper submitted by a graduate student. The winner receives a $500 cash award and free conference registration. The Society publishes Teaching Ethics, and conference papers may be sent to the editors for publication consideration. Submissions should be emailed to: [email protected]

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September 9, 2024, 9:00am EST

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