CFP: Dispositions
Submission deadline: May 25, 2024
Balkan Analytic Forum 2
(October 10-20, 2024 University of Belgrade, Serbia)
We invite submissions for the second meeting of Balkan Analytic Forum organized by the University of Belgrade to be held in person and online in October 2024.
Balkan Analytic Forum is intended to establish a platform for discussion where scholars related to the Balkans and interested in analytic philosophy can meet on a regular basis and present their work-in-progress or recent publications, but it also welcomes approaches that draw connections between analytic philosophy and other philosophical traditions.
The topic of the second meeting of the Balkan Analytic Forum (BAF2) is “Dispositions” and it will be hosted by the Department of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade, Serbia from October 10-20, 2024.
The first part of the conference “Dispositions” will take place from October 10-13, 2024, the second “Dispositions and Values” from October 19-20. However, the period between will be open to other events, such as individual talks related to dispositions.
We welcome submissions that consider the broad theme of “dispositions” in all its forms, and from all perspectives. We are especially interested in the following themes:
- epistemic dispositions
- simple and complex dispositions
- aesthetic dispositions
- dispositions and ethics
- logic of dispositional terms
- habits and dispositions
- occurrent and dispositional properties.
The discourse surrounding the function and significance of dispositions concerning values has been a topic of considerable discussion in scholarly circles. Given the profound influence exerted by the dispositional theory of values within moral philosophy and aesthetics, this heightened interest is hardly unexpected. At its most fundamental level, value is understood as inherently constituted by an agent’s intrinsic disposition to ascribe value to the object under consideration. Within the second part of the conference – “Disposition and Values” – we aspire to make a meaningful contribution to this ongoing debate.
Proposals are to be sent to [email protected] as anonymous abstracts (maximum 500 words) and a separate title page by May 25, 2024. The title page should include: title, name, institutional affiliation, email, and an indication of whether you would like to present in person. Also, please let us know if your submission is for the first part of the conference “Dispositions”, or for the second “Dispositions and Values”, or is intended to be an individual talk in-between the two events.
Decisions will be communicated by May 30, 2024.
The authors of accepted submissions will be invited to contribute papers to an edited volume.
The conference is hybrid (online and in-person), free and open to the public.
Conference Venue:
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Čika Ljubina Street 18-20, Belgrade, Serbia
Miroslava Trajkovski, University of Belgrade, Department of Philosophy
Stefan Mićić, University of Belgrade, Department of Philosophy
If you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and contact the organizers at [email protected]. You may also contact us individually at:
Program and the book of abstracts of the BAF1 you can find here: