CFP: Illinois Philosophical Association Annual Conference

Submission deadline: July 22, 2024

Conference date(s):
October 25, 2024 - October 26, 2024

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Illinois Philosophical Association
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States


Papers in any area of philosophy are welcome. Submissions on well-being, value fulfillment, Humean approaches to value, or any area of Dr. Tiberius’s work are especially encouraged.

• Papers must be prepared for anonymous review and should not exceed 3000 words in length.
• Abstract (up to 150 words) should be attached as a separate document.
• Name, affiliation, contact information, and title of paper should be included in the body of the email to act as a contact information sheet.

Electronic Submissions Only
Save your documents as either .doc/.docx, .rtf, or .pdf file.
Submit as email attachment to Judy Crane, at:
[email protected]

Supporting material

Add supporting material (slides, programs, etc.)