CFP: Special Issue of Deleuze and Guattari Studies, ‘Crip Assemblages: Guattari, Deleuze and Disability’
Submission deadline: August 1, 2024
Call for Papers – A Special Issue of Deleuze and Guattari Studies, ‘Crip Assemblages: Guattari, Deleuze and Disability’
General Details:
Journal: Deleuze and Guattari Studies
Title: Crip Assemblages: Guattari, Deleuze and Disability
Guest Editor: Regn Pooley
Contact: [email protected]
Deadline for Abstracts: August 1, 2024
Deadline for Papers: June 1, 2025
Theme and Scope:
Despite the central place given to mental illness in the work of Deleuze and Guattari, the broader implications that their systems have for understanding disability, disabled subjectivity and ableism/disablism are relatively under-studied. In order to fill this gap, this special issue is dedicated to the application of Guattarian and Deleuzian concepts to disability studies and crip theory.
Contributions are welcome from researchers in all fields where Deleuze and Guattari’s ideas can be used to think about disability, particularly from those who are disabled themselves. Due to his work at La Borde and his relative under-representation in scholarship, Guattari is a specific focus of this special issue. However, papers working within Deleuzian (or Deleuzo-Guattarian) frameworks are also welcome.
Topics explored in this issue may include (but are not at all limited to) the following:
- Theorising crip time through a Guattarian or Deleuzian lens (such as by applying the concepts of Chronos, Aiôn and the syntheses)
- Conceptualising disability and its construction within the framework of assemblage theory
- Ecosophy/Guattari’s ecological thought and disability
- The application of faciality and a-signifying semiotics to understanding ableism and disablism
- The ontology of disability (particularly concerning the role of the actual and the virtual)
- Intersections between disability studies or crip theory and Deleuze and Guattari’s approach to mental illness
- The value of Deleuzo-Guattarian concepts in developing forms of resistance against ableist structures
- Thinking about disabled subjectivity with Guattari’s late work (i.e. The Three Ecologies, Schizoanalytic Cartographies and Chaosmosis)
- The place of becoming in acquiring disabilities
- Disability, labour and the socius
- Accessibility and its interconnections with smooth/striated space
Using the email below, authors are asked to submit abstracts before completed manuscripts to ensure their compatibility with the issue’s themes. Please send your abstracts by August 1, 2024. They should be between 200–300 words in length. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by August 24, 2024. Please note that the approval of abstracts does not guarantee the acceptance of final manuscripts.
Final contributions should be between 7000–9000 words in length and use the Deleuze and Guattari Studies style, which can be found at The deadline for first drafts of papers is June 1, 2025.
If you want to submit an abstract or ask any questions regarding the special issue, please contact [email protected].