Formal Approaches to Metaphysics

September 18, 2024 - September 20, 2024
Department of Philosophy, University of Konstanz

University of Konstanz

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities


University of St. Andrews
Lingnan University
University College London
University of Oxford
Universität Konstanz
Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
University of Texas at Austin
University of Oxford
Universität Konstanz
Oxford University
University of Southern California
University of Geneva
London School of Economics


Universität Konstanz
Universität Konstanz

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There is a rich tradition within metaphysics that uses formal methods to shed light on metaphysical questions - for example, questions concerning essence, grounding, properties, possibility, mereology, and arbitrary objects. The growing body of work on higher-order metaphysics is just one of the most recent example. The goal of this conference is to bring together researchers working with a broad range of formal methods on a broad range of metaphysical topics. Our hope is that this will encourage a fruitful cross pollination of ideas. 

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August 30, 2024, 9:00am CET

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