Lund Early-Career Conference: The Language of Moral Repair

November 22, 2024 - November 23, 2024
Department of Philosophy, Lund University

LUX, Helgonavägen 3

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CFP: 3rd Annual Lund-Early Career Conference: “The Language of Moral Repair”

The Lund Early-Career Conference is a forum dedicated to forging connections between research and researchers in selected topics from both theoretical and practical philosophy. The conference is aimed at Ph.D.-candidates and early-career researchers working in philosophy or related fields, such as psychology or cognitive science, relevant for the theme of the conference.

Each year we select a theme based on topics of interest from within the subdivisions of the Lund Philosophical department (Theoretical Philosophy and Practical Philosophy) with the goal of finding under-explored connections ripe for interdisciplinary investigation. This year we’ve chosen the theme ‘The Language of Moral Repair’, broadly construed, with the aim of bringing together ethicists, philosophers of language or mind, and philosophers of emotion to tackle questions of how these topics are related to each other.

Dates: 22nd - 23rd of November, 2024

Keynote speaker: Lucy McDonald, King's College London

All speakers will be given a 45 minute slot for a presentation followed by a 45 minute Q&A session beginning with questions and remarks from an assigned commentator.

Friday 22nd November 2024 

08.50 Opening Remarks

09.00-10.30 Kirstine la Cour (University College London): "Repair as the Pursuit of Mutual Understanding"

10.30-10.45 Fika

10.45-12.15 Ninni Suni (University of Helsinki): "Apology as Commitment"

12.15-13.45 Lunch

13.45-15.15 Rebecca E. Harrison (SUNY Binghamton): "Apologizing Over Time: Toward a Process Theory of Speech Acts"

15.15-15.45 Fika

15.45-17.15 Keynote: Lucy McDonald (King's College London): "Rehumanizing Speech"

18.30 Conference Dinner

Saturday 23rd November 2024 

09.00-10.30 Kris Moody (The University of Edinburgh): "Who's to Blame? The Grounding of Moral Repair"

10.30-10.45 Fika

10.45-12.15 Agnes Baehni (Universite de Geneve): "What is the Point of Self-Blame?"

12.15-13.30 Lunch

13.30-15.00 Hannah Winckler-Olick (Cornell University): "Perpetual Protest: A Theory of Forgiveness in the Existential Violence"

15.00-15.30 Fika

15.45-17.15 Tarun Gidwani (King's College London): "Is Preemptive Forgiveness Possible?"

18.30 Conference Dinner

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