CFP: Philosophy of Physics Society Session at the 2025 APA Eastern

Submission deadline: July 10, 2024

Conference date(s):
January 8, 2025 - January 11, 2025

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Philosophy of Physics Society
New York, United States

Topic areas


The Philosophy of Physics Society will host an affiliated group session at the 2025 APA Eastern. Submissions on time in realist interpretations of quantum mechanics (e.g. GRW as a non-Markovian process, local branching in Everettian QM, hidden foliations in Bohmian Mechanics, etc) are particularly encouraged, though submissions on other topics in philosophy of physics will be considered.

Please submit 400-700 word blinded abstracts by 10 July at -- presentations will be roughly 25 minutes.

Other questions may be directed to [email protected]

The three chosen presenters will need to register for and physically attend the January 2025 Eastern division meeting in New York City, but do not need to be members of the Philosophy of Physics Society.

Supporting material

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