“German Idealism and the Kyoto School”Gregory S. Moss (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
June 20, 2024, 5:00pm - 7:00pm
University of Kyoto, Japan
Kyoto University
Topic areas
“German Idealism and the Kyoto School”
June 20 (Thursday), 2024
Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University (Big Conference Room, Basement)
•17:00 The Legacy of Hegel in Nishida's Logic of Paradox (Gregory Moss)
•18:00 The Legacy of Schelling in Tanabe's Philosophy as Metanoetics (Written by Moss
and Prooi; Presented by Dennis Prooi)
会場:京都大学、文学部校舎地下・大会議室オンライン参加ご希望の方6/19 までに
下記までご連絡ください (see email)
Organized by the Dept. of Western Philosophy and the Dept. of Japanese Philosophy (Fernando Wirtz)
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