Workshop Left-Kantianism

Today - Tomorrow
Cardiff University

United Kingdom

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

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  • Kantian Review


University of Essex
Utrecht University
London School of Economics
University of Oslo
Cardiff University
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Workshop Left-Kantianism

You are cordially invited to participate in the Left-Kantianism workshop at Cardiff University on the 3rd and 4th of July, 2024. Participants can apply for funds of up to 100 pounds or join via Zoom. If you are interested in joining, please contact Elisabeth Widmer ([email protected]).

Location Hotel: Premier Inn Cardiff Bay, located at Bute Place, GB, CF10 4AA. 
Workshop location: Law/Politics Building 1.29, Park Place, Cardiff University.

3rd of July 2024

11 am - 11-30 am       Welcome & Introduction by Pro Vice Chancellor Damian Walford Davies

Coffee/tea        Left-Kantianism: introduction of programme.

Left-Kantianism in the late-18th century: From Kant and his contemporaries to Marx

11.30 am - 12.30 pm  Huw Williams (Cardiff): ‘Richard Price and his Contemporaneous Left-Kantianism’

                                    Chair/respondent: James Wakefield (Cardiff)

12.40 pm – 1.35          Lunch at Hoffi Coffi (2 Colum Rd, Cardiff CF10 3EG)

1.45 pm - 2.45 pm      Howard Williams (Cardiff): ‘From Kant’s Doctrine of Right to Marx’s Capital: Kant and Marx on property theory’

                                    Chair/respondent: TBA

Left-Kantianism in the late 19th /early 20th century: Neo-Kantianism

3 pm – 4 pm                Garrath Williams (Lancaster): ‘Kantianism as a Method: Hermann Cohen and the Form of Capitalism’

                                    Chair/respondent: Elisabeth Widmer (LSE)

4.15 pm - 5.15 pm      Andrew Vincent (Cardiff): ‘Cassirer, Neo-Kantianism and Politics’

                                    Chair/respondent: Garrath Williams (Lancaster)

5.30 pm - 6.30 pm      Elisabeth Widmer (LSE): ‘The State as a Critical Idea: Max Adler’s Left-Kantian Socialism’

                                    Chair/respondent: Andrew Vincent (Cardiff)

7 pm                            Dinner at Calabrisella Cathays (51 Cathays Terrace)

4th of July 2024

9.30 am                       Coffee/tea

Left-Kantianism in the 20th century: ‘Classical’ Critical Theory

9.45 am - 10.45 am     Katherina Kinzel (Utrecht University): ‘Abstraction, Dualism, Kantianism. Georg Lukács on the Categorial Form of Capitalism’

                                    Chair/respondent: David Boucher (Cardiff)

11 am -12 pm              Fabian Freyenhagen (University of Essex): ‘Enlightening: Adorno’s and Kant’s contrasting answers to the question ‘How to write about the enlightenment?’

                                    Chair/respondent: Katherina Kinzel (Utrecht)

12.10 pm- 12.50 pm   Lunch at Hoffi Coffi (2 Colum Rd, Cardiff CF10 3EG)

Left-Kantianism in the 20th century: Newer approaches in critical theory

1 pm – 2 pm                Steven Smith (Yale): ‘Lucien Goldmann’s Kantian Marxism’

                                    Chair/respondent: Daniel Williams (Swansea)

14.15 pm -15.15 pm   Oliver Eberl (University of Marburg): ‘Republic and the social superego: Ingeborg Maus’ interpretation of Kant's political philosophy as a radical theory of democracy’

                                    Chair/respondent: Howard Williams (Cardiff)

15.30 pm -16.30 pm   Closing discussion: Special issue in Kantian Review

18.30 pm                     Conference Dinner at Côte Cardiff Bay 
(25 Mermaid Quay, Cardiff Bay, CF10 5BZ)

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