Submission deadline: August 31, 2024


By this means, philosophy academics and researchers are invited to send their contributions to the journal Analítica, corresponding to October 2024 – September 2025. Analítica is a specialized philosophy journal, with annual circulation, published by the Departmento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Panamá. Contributions can be from any area of philosophy and must reflect the methodological, conceptual and argumentative characteristics of philosophy. Contributions can be sent in English or Spanish, they may be: (i) research articles and/or essays, (ii) translations of articles or book chapters (credit the respective authorization of the author), (iii) book or articles reviews. Regardless of the type of contribution, the texts must have an abstract of 250 words, in English and Spanish, and five keywords (in English and Spanish). Authors must guarantee that the contribution is original, unpublished and that it has not been sent to another journal simultaneously for publication. Authors must provide, in addition to name, affiliation and institutional email and ORCID identifier. Citing and referencing sources must be presented in accordance with APA-7 edition format. Avoid, as far as possible, footnotes or notes at the end of the text. Articles or contributions must be sent to the email: [email protected] no later than August 30, 2024. For more details, consult /authors.

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