Workshop on New Technologies: Current and Future Political, Ethical and Social Issues
Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid, PR-445, Km 380 - Campus Universitário, Londrina - PR
Londrina 86057-970
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Technological advance is a central topic of philosophical reflection today. New technologies can havevarious impacts, some of which can be disruptive. In this workshop, we will have the opportunity to debatethe subject with one of the leading researchers in the field, Professor Nicholas Agar (University of Waikato,NewZealand).
Agar has made a significant contribution to understanding technological innovations and their impacts. InAgar'swords,"I'vebeenbusyoverthepastalmostthirtyyearsexploring the ethical implications oftechnologicalchange,andthewaysinwhichgeneticandcybernetictechnologiesmayalterus".
We therefore invite and encourage those interested in the debate on new technologies and their current andfuturepolitical,ethical,andsocialimpactstosubmitoralcommunicationproposals.
Wewillhaveonlinepresentationsessionsintheworkshop.Eachpresentationwilllast30minutes.Proposals should be submitted via e-mail ([email protected]), containing a title, abstract (up to 500words), and references. In addition to the proposal file, please send us information about the applicant (fullname,degree,andinstitutionaffiliation).
Note: Presenters of approved papers will be asked to prepare a version of the presentation material (slides)inEnglish.
Contact email: [email protected]
September 30, 2024, 11:00pm BRT
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