Granada Conference on End-of-Life
Cta. del Chapiz, 9, Albaicín, 18010
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The Granada Conference on End-of-Life: Evidence-based ethics and policy-making welcomes international scholars, clinicians, legal experts, and policy-makers interested in empirical analysis and regulatory aspects related to medical aid-in-dying (MAID) and other end-of-life practices, including palliative sedation, withholding/withdrawal of life-sustaining-therapies, and advance care planning, etc.
Call For Abstracts
CFA deadline: 30 September 2024
Presentations are welcome on the following categories:
- Oversight and data reporting on MAID and other end-of-life practices
- Eligibility criteria for MAID
- Issues related to non-conventional MAID: children, dementia, psychiatry, prisoners, tired-of living
- Withdrawal/withholding of life-sustaining treatment and medical futility
- Palliative care and palliative sedation
- Respect for autonomy in end-of-life, and advance directives
- Conscientious objection
- Allocation of potentially life-sustaining treatment
- End-of-life and organ donation
Fees *
150 euros - Senior scholar (>5 years after PhD)
50 euros - Junior scholar (max 5 years after PhD)
* Attendants must pay the inscription fees. If you would like to attend without submitting an abstract, please send an email with your full name to this address: gconferenceeol@gmail.comGranada Conference on End-of-Life:
Evidence-Based Ethics and Policy-making
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