CFP: RUDN Journal of Philosophy: Special theme of the third issue - “Philosophy in Latinamerica”

Submission deadline: May 1, 2025

Topic areas


Special theme of the third issue: “Philosophy in Latinamerica”

To foster dialogue between diverse and largely disconnected philosophical traditions, the RUND Journal of Philosophy proposes a special issue dedicated to publishing the work of Latin American philosophers who engage in various areas such as the history of philosophy, systematic philosophy, and Latin American philosophy. This issue will consequently cover both universal themes and topics related to specific issues of Latin American identity and culture.

RUDN Journal of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal is included in the list of Scopus (Q2). In the history of the journal there are many works of authoritative Russian and foreign scientists on various philosophical disciplines (history of philosophy, ontology, epistemology, social philosophy, ethics) and related fields. Articles are published in Russian, English and German.

More information may be found on the website:, as well as on the Facebook page: (short reviews of issues and individual articles with all relevant information). Articles are accepted until 01 May 2025, the issue will be published in September 2025. Prof. Dr. Mario Porta (Pontifical catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), Prof. Dr. Jacinto Paez (Catholic University of Temuco) and Prof. Dr. Evandro Brito (State University of the Centre-West of Paraná (UNICENTRO)) agreed to act as the issue editors.

Articles - up to 40,000 characters without spaces, abstract - 200-250 words, keywords - 10-15 words. The rules of registration are indicated on the journal’s website in the section About the journal – Author Guidelines (Submissions - RUDN Journal of Philosophy), you can also use published articles as a design sample.

Our team will be glad to show interest on your part!

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