CFP: Lo Sguardo 40 - Women Voices in the ‘Silver Age’ Spanish Thought (1868-1936): Intersections of Philosophy, Literature and Arts

Submission deadline: May 19, 2025

Topic areas


Lo Sguardo is a peer-reviewed and diamond open-access journal of Philosophy. It is indexed by:

  • Elsevier SCOPUS
  • Clarivate Web Of Science
  • Philosopher’s Index
  • MLA Bibliography 

Lo Sguardo is ranked as an "A Class" journal by the Italian Agency for the Evaluation of Research and University (ANVUR), for the area 11/C5 (History of Philosophy)


The period of intellectual production known as Silver Age (1868-1936) was one of the most flourishing for the cultural and civil emancipation of women in Spain. Prominent figures in the fields of philosophy, literature and the arts arose in this historical period.

In the last years, essays and monographies as Sueños, tiempos y destiempos. El exilio romano de María Zambrano by Elena Trapanese (UAM, 2017), Modernas y Vanguardistas. Las mujeres-faro de la Edad de Plata by Mercedes Gómez Blesa (Huso Editores, 2019), La música callada. El pensamiento social en la Edad de Plata española (1868-1926) by Nuria Sánchez Madrid (CBA, 2022), El círculo sáfico de Madrid by Paula Villanueva (Levanta Fuego, 2024), Lo que yo iba escribiendo (Las mujeres de la Generación del 98) by Carmen Estirado (Carpe Noctem, 2023), or Concepción Arenal. Claves de emancipación de la mujer que se halla encarcelada by Delia Manzanero (Tecnos, 2003) have spotlighted the desideratum of reshaping the canon of the contemporary Spanish thought, so that it takes also into account the contribution of women’s voices long time silenced by dominant hermeneutic patterns.

Among these intellectual figures could be mentioned Carmen Baroja, Regina Lamo, Rosario de Acuña, Carmen de Burgos, Isabel Oyarzábal, María de Maeztu, Rosa Chacel, Maruja Mallo, Margarita Nelken, Carlota O’Neill, Federica Montseny, and María Zambrano.  All of them considered the philosophy of the Free Institution of Education (1876-1936), the Generation of ‘98 or the intellectual leadership of Ortega y Gasset a promising support for boosting the women emancipation and for enlarging civil rights. Yet, also philosophical, artistic and literary trends with a large international influence in this time sparked their interest.

These Spanish intellectual women displayed a large range of issues, approaches and methods that still require an accurate interdisciplinary investigation, which should be also attentive to their activism to endeavour from different disciplines (philosophy, literature, history of art, creation, journalism) a renewal of the subjects and problems to be raised in contemporary philosophy.

This special issue aims to furnish an interdisciplinary perspective of this intellectual context by mainly focusing on the dialogues that Spanish women philosophers, intellectuals, writers and artists pursued at the beginning of XXth century, on their reception of European and North American contemporary philosophy and on the debates they engaged in on matters as the flaws of the education of Spanish women, the enlargement of political rights, the renovation of philosophical practices and methodologies, the Spanish territorial structure and the cultural production and its social transfer in Spain and Europe. The main aim of the special issue is to cast light on the transformative potential of the Spanish society of that time ensuing from how these intellectuals, artists and philosophers approached the philosophical tradition and contemporary philosophers (as Unamuno, Machado, Ortega, Scheler, Husserl, Heidegger, Marx, Luxemburg, Piscator o Goldman, among others).

Interested researchers from the areas of philosophy and humanities are kindly invited to submit accounts aiming to shed light on the life, work and thought of these intellectuals.

The contributions should match one or more of the following topics (nevertheless editors will have the last say about the table of contents of the issue):

  • Spanish Women Philosophers and European and North American Philosophical Debates (Phenomenology, Existentialism, Personalism, Neokantianism, Pragmatism): Metaphysics, Ethics and Social Philosophy.
  • Philosophical Theories, Philosophical Practices and Literary Networks: Women and Intellectual Spaces of the Silver Age.
  • Women Political Spaces: Associationism, Feminisms and Sexual Dissidence.
  • The Plebeian Intelligentsia and the Vindication of Academic Transformation: Labour, Political Consciousness and Revolution.
  • Thinking, Culture and Territory: Intellectual Regionalist Movements (Catalan, Galician and Basque Intellectual Spaces).
  • The Philosophical Reflection and Pioneer Women Artists: Crossroads of Philosophy, Museum Institutions and Artistic Practice.




Procedure: Submit the article, complete in its entirety and edited according to the editorial guidelines of the journal, through the OJS editorial platform of Lo Sguardo by selecting the appropriate call under “Section”:

Submissions will be subjected to double-blind peer review. The entire submission and selection process of submissions will take place through the platform.

Nuria Sánchez Madrid, Elena Trapanese
[email protected] | [email protected]

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