CFP: The AI Revolution: Perspectives from the Philosophy of Management
Submission deadline: January 30, 2025
The AI Revolution: Perspectives from the Philosophy of Management is a special issue of the Philosophy of Management journal. We are seeking to delve into fundamental questions surrounding the understanding, design, development, implementation, and management of AI as well as their implications and place in the broader context of human existence. We welcome submissions focusing on ethical, political, and social dilemmas concerning the development and deployment of AI systems, including issues related to privacy, bias, and the impact of AI on society. We also invite scholars to engage with the topic from diverse non-normative perspectives, such as epistemology, ontology, aesthetics, and the philosophy of language. This philosophical inquiry not only seeks to understand the limitations and possibilities of AI but also challenges us to reflect on the nature of our own humanity in a world increasingly intertwined with this technology. We invite submissions that address how managers and organizations may use AI to solve some of our most pressing problems such as climate change, discrimination, inequality, poverty, war, and the distribution of political power. The scope of potential submissions is broad.
Custom tags:
#Philosophy of Management Journal, #Artificial Intelligence, #Ethics, #Management, #Epistemology, #Management, #Leadership, #Politics, #LLM