Philosophy of Biology in the UK 2014
United Kingdom
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The aim of this conference is to gather together UK researchers at all levels, and in all kinds of department, whose work intersects philosophy and the biological sciences. Graduate students and early career researchers are particularly encouraged to attend, and we hope for a diverse audience of philosophers and biologists from all parts of the country. Philosophy of biology is a growing area of research in the UK, and this conference will serve to celebrate and nurture that growth.
The program will comprise six plenary talks from invited speakers, with a number of slots for contributed papers. We invite contributed papers addressing any topic in the philosophy of biology, broadly construed. Those keen to present a paper should submit an abstract of no more than 500 words (inclusive of references) in the body of an email to [email protected]. Abstracts containing mathematical symbols may be sent as PDF attachments. Abstracts will be reviewed, and the authors of papers selected for presentation will be informed as soon as possible after the deadline.
Plenary speakers: Patrick Bateson (Cambridge), Ellen Clarke (Oxford), John Dupré (Exeter), Kevin Laland (St Andrews), Tim Lewens (Cambridge), Samir Okasha (Bristol).
There will be a small registration fee (approx. £10 without dinner, £35 with dinner, TBC) to partially offset the costs of hosting the meeting, but every effort has been made to make the event affordable to graduate students.
Registration is now open. Places are limited and registration will close as soon as all available places are filled.
For further details, follow the 'Registration' link at the conference website:
For further information please contact Jonathan Birch ([email protected]).
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