CFP: Stoicism, Buddhism, and Psychotherapy

Submission deadline: December 15, 2024

Topic areas


We are excited to announce a call for abstracts for a forthcoming collection of essays exploring the intersections of Stoicism, Buddhism, and psychotherapy. This volume is envisioned to have three broad sections: one on Stoicism and Psychotherapy, one of Stoicism and Buddhism, and another on Buddhism and Psychotherapy. While complying with scholarly standards of accuracy and cogency, we’re looking for user-friendly essays with immediate appeal to those who are interested in such topics and unpretentious prose which will be immediately readable by an intelligent lay audience. Thus, substantive content written in a clear and entertaining style is desired.

We invite abstracts that address, but are not limited to, the following themes

  • Comparative analyses of Stoicism and Buddhism in their approaches to suffering, resilience, and emotional regulation.
  • Integrative frameworks combining Stoic and Buddhist principles with modern psychotherapeutic techniques.
  • Practical applications of Stoic or Buddhist philosophies in therapeutic settings.
  • Case studies demonstrating the effectiveness of integrating these approaches in clinical practice.
  • Philosophical underpinnings of psychotherapy informed by Stoicism or Buddhism.
  • The role that Stoicism or Buddhism plays in enhancing well-being and informing various therapeutic practices.

Submission Guidelines and Review Process:

  1. Submission due date for abstracts (300 words) and CV(s): December 15, 2024
  2. Notification of accepted abstracts: January 15, 2025
  3. Final papers should be approximately 3000-4000 words. The submission due date for final drafts is: April 30, 2025.
  4. Submit materials by e-mail in either Word form or a PDF to Sandra Woien at: [email protected]

Early submissions are welcome and appreciated!

Published by Carus Books.

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