CFP: Violence and Conflict in Ortega y Gasset’s works

Submission deadline: October 20, 2024

Topic areas


Call for Abstracts

Violence and Conflict in Ortega y Gasset’s works

Guest-Edited by Jean du Toit & Gregory Swer

For the Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence – PJCV


The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence (PJCV) welcomes submissions that relate the work of Ortega y Gasset to conflict and violence.

The selected articles will be published in December 2025.

Possible topics may include (but are not restricted to):

·      Ortega’s account of civilizational progress and decline

·      Hunting

·      The Sportive Origins of the State

·      Mass Culture and Homo Technologicus

·      The Theory of Evolutionary Saltation

·      Ortega’s agonistic view of the formation and function of society

·      The tension between the individual and the social in Ortega’s thought

·      The inevitability of hierarchies

·      The Disaster of 1898, the First World War, the Constitutional Crisis, the Rif War, the Primo do Rivera dictatorship, the Second Republic, Spanish Civil War, the Franco dictatorship, the Second World War

·      Ortega’s relations to Nationalist and Republican forces

·      Ortega’s political thought in relation to Nationalism and Republicanism

·      Ortega on Anarchism, Marxism, and Fascism

·      Ortega’s break with Husserl

·      Ortega’s break with Unamuno

·      Ortega’s priority dispute with Heidegger over the “existential turn” in phenomenology

·      Ortega’s critique of other philosophers (e.g. Kant, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Spengler, Leibniz)

Important Dates and Submission Guidelines

➢ We invite expressions of interest and ask all prospective authors to send a short 500 word abstract to [email protected] and [email protected] by no later than October 20, 2024.

➢ Full papers should be written in the PJCV template available on and should not exceed 10,000 words (bibliography and footnotes aside).

Guest edited by Prof Jean du Toit, North-West University (South Africa), and Prof Gregory Swer, University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa).

For any queries, please contact us at : [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]

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