CFP: Mentoring Workshop for Early Career Women* in Philosophy

Submission deadline: December 15, 2024

Conference date(s):
June 4, 2025 - June 6, 2025

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Washington University in St. Louis
Saint Louis, United States


Apply here:

This workshop seeks to address the ongoing underrepresentation of women, non-binary people, and trans* people in professional philosophy by building long-term mentoring relationships among senior and junior colleagues from these groups.  Any woman, nonbinary person, or trans* person entering or holding a faculty (pre-tenure or contract) or postdoc position in Philosophy at a college or university is eligible to apply.  Because the workshop is aimed specifically at those who are navigating academic life after their PhD, we require that applicants have successfully defended by the date of their application.  Members of groups underrepresented in Philosophy are especially encouraged to apply.

Your application should include a CV and an abstract of your proposed workshop paper.  Successful applicants will be assigned a networking group consisting of a mentor and four fellow mentees working in similar fields.  Given that workshop groups are intended to function as long-term sources of mentoring and networking support, it is recommended that your paper fall squarely within the area of specialization in which you intend your future work to focus. The deadline to apply is December 15, 2024.

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