West Coast Masters Philosophy Conference

April 4, 2025 - April 6, 2025
Department of Philosophy, San Jose State University

San Jose
United States

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

View the Call For Papers


San Jose State University
Jenna Beales
San Jose State University
University of Nevada, Reno

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West Coast Philosophy Masters Conferenceinvites submissions of papers to be presented at its 1st annual meeting to be held Friday, April 4-Sunday April 6, 2025, at San Jose State University. (Any Topic).


West Coast Philosophy Masters Conferenceis a conference created to allow master's students to present their work, receive feedback, and network with other master's students. Our goal is to promote a supportive culture to help strengthen our skills as students and build ties between each other and other programs.


Deadline for submissions for WCPMC (2025): December 21st, 2024.

Please send submissions to this link: https://forms.gle/ayAfRP9cuN3HL2qJA 

Register to attend at:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TV6FXNT


WCPMC submission requirements are an abstract of up to 500-words and an approximately 2,500-word paper as a single .pdf or .docx. Include your abstract as a section at the top of the paper. 

We welcome submissions in all areas of philosophy and philosophical traditions. Polished seminar papers are welcome.Submissions must be prepared for blind review (no name or university affiliation listed). 

Please upload your submission on our webpageor directly to the form above.


Submissions will be refereed and finalized by mid-January, 2025, at which point we will match commentators with accepted articles.

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This is a student event (e.g. a graduate conference).




March 1, 2025, 11:45pm PST

External Site

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