Hume's Legacy
Stewart House, Room 274/275 (Second floor)
32 Russell Square
London WC1
United Kingdom
Topic areas
10.30 Registration and Coffee
11.00 Stewart Sutherland
Hume and Civil Society
12.30 Lunch (own arrangements)
1.30 Michael Martin (UCL)
Relishing Fine Strokes: From Sentiments to Standards
3.00 Tea
3.30 Helen Beebee (IP & Birmingham)
Hume's Contribution to Psychology
5.00 Break
5.30 Public Lecture†: Simon Blackburn (Oxford)
Misunderstanding Hume: The Case of Practical Reason
6.45 Reception
REGISTRATION († not required if attending only Public lecture)
To register please email your name with “Hume 2 March” as the subject header to [email protected]. In the message, please state your fees category (staff and students should indicate their department and/or course). Fees will be taken at the conference venue and you will only be contacted in advance if there is a query with your registration.
Fees (includes teas):
None: Current Faculty (full-time) and Students of University of London Philosophy Departments and individual members of Institute of Philosophy
£10: Other UK Philosophy Department staff and students
£25: Standard
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