On Morality and Revelation: A book symposium on Amir Saemi's Morality and Revelation in Islamic Thought and Beyond (OUP, 2024)

February 21, 2025

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University of Michigan, Dearborn
Trinity College, Dublin
University of Notre Dame
Princeton University

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This online workshop is a book symposium on Amir Saemi's Morality and Revelation in Islamic Thought and Beyond: A New Problem of Evil (OUP, 2024), which will later be published in AGATHEOS – European Journal for Philosophy of Religion.

The program:

8:30 – 10 am (est)

Speaker A: Robert Audi    

Speaker B: Lara Buchak

Speaker C: Imraz Aijaz                

10:15 – 11-45 am (est)

Speaker A: Farbod Akhlaghi

Respose: Amir Saemi

Open discussion

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2 people are attending:

Wayne State University

1 person may be attending:

University of Toronto, St. George Campus

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#Morality and Revelation in Islamic Thought and Beyond, #A new problem of evil