Justice in an Unequal World

May 1, 2025 - May 2, 2025
Department of Philosophy, University of Calgary

Social Sciences Building
2500 University Dr NW
Calgary T2N1N4

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

View the Call For Papers


  • Canadian Journal of Philosophy


University of Lethbridge
University of Calgary


University of Calgary
University of Calgary
University of Calgary

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The theme of this conference is Justice in an Unequal World. We are looking to feature papers on both applied and theoretical topics within the philosophy of justice, law, politics, and related areas.

Paper topics in the areas of epistemic (in)justice, distributive justice, relational justice, global justice, and political justice are acceptable.

Other topics in applied justice such as autonomy, agency, free speech, responsibility, privacy, and related concepts will also be considered. We are especially interested in papers that address marginalization, systemic inequality, and testimonial injustice.

Dates: May 1st and 2nd, 2025

Location: Philosophy Department, Social Sciences Building, University of Calgary AB

Format: This conference will be held in person. If you have accessibility concerns, please contact Christina Leach ([email protected]) to discuss potential accommodations such as remote access. We are committed to making this an inclusive event, and welcome submissions from all graduate students.

Keynote Speakers: Dr. Allen Habib (University of Calgary) and Dr. Susan Dieleman (University of Lethbridge).

This conference is generously supported by the University of Calgary Department of Philosophy and by the Canadian Journal of Philosophy.

Papers must be submitted via EasyChair.

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This is a student event (e.g. a graduate conference).




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McMaster University

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