CFP: 2025 Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium Undergraduate Conference

Submission deadline: February 7, 2025

Conference date(s):
April 26, 2025

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, Temple University
Philadelphia, United States

Topic areas


On April 26, 2025 Temple University will host the Annual GPPC Undergraduate Conference featuring Peter Baumann (Swarthmore) as the keynote speaker. Undergraduates are invited to submit papersbetween 2,000-2,500 words on any topic ofphilosophical interest.The deadline for paper submission is February 7, 2025. Notices of acceptance will be sent by March 7, 2025. Papers should be prepared as a PDF document to be reviewed anonymously. Please include a coverpage with your name, university affiliation, andthe paper title. Do not include any identifying information in the body of your paper, exceptfor the title. Please send your submissions & questions to [email protected]

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#Undergraduate event