CFP: Beyond the Present: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Time

Submission deadline: February 15, 2025

Conference date(s):
July 3, 2025 - July 4, 2025

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Conference Venue:

University of Salzburg
Salzburg, Austria

Topic areas


This is a call for submissions to the workshop “Beyond the Present”, which will take place at the University of Salzburg (Austria), Department of Philosophy (GW), on July 3–4, 2025.

The workshop will host five invited speakers:

David Ingram (University of York)
Ned Markosian (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Emily Thomas (Durham University)
Two additional invited speakers (TBA)

Organizer: Giacomo Andreoletti (University of Salzburg)

There are five slots for contributed speakers. Those interested in contributing are invited to submit abstracts (500–700 words) of papers on the philosophy and metaphysics of time, broadly construed, suitable for a 30-minute presentation followed by Q&A. Topics include, but are not limited to: tensed versus tenseless theories of time, ontology and topology of time, the openness of the future, tense logic, persistence in time, future contingents, the arrow of time, time and experience, time and physics, history of the philosophy of time.

Abstracts should be prepared for blind review and submitted by email (as a PDF) to [email protected] by February 15 2025. Please use the subject “abstract submission”. The email should include your name, institutional affiliation, and the title of the paper (in the body of the email). Submissions will be assessed via double-blind external peer review. Successful applicants will be notified no later than March 15.

The workshop is sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) grant number DOI 10.55776/ESP196. The workshop will take place entirely in person.

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