CFP: Call for philosophical articles

Submission deadline: July 31, 2025


The Editorial Board of Analítica announces that the CALL for the submission of articles for the fifth issue (October 2025-September 2026) is open. Articles may be submitted in Spanish or English and must be sent no later than July 31, 2025 to the following email: [email protected]  

The article must be original and deal with philosophical topics or problems from any area of philosophy (ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of language, epistemology, metaphysics, etc.). The article must reflect deepness in the treatment of the problem addressed, demonstrate the use of philosophical categories, and reflect argumentative philosophical criteria. The author must confirm that the contribution has not been sent to another journal for publication.

Likewise, interested parties may send reviews of philosophical texts (in English or Spanish), or translations into Spanish of articles or book chapters relevant to the discipline, provided that they have the respective authorization of the authors or copyright holders of the texts.

General instructions for authors:

 - Title of the article centered, followed by the author's information (name, email and institutional affiliation, ORCID identifier)

- Abstract (250-300 words), five keywords (use Unesco Thesaurus), in English and Spanish.

- The length of the article must be 3000-7000 words (including bibliographical references).

- For citation and reference, use APA format, seventh edition. Avoid the use of notes, and if necessary, place them at the end of the article.

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