‘What’s Next for Feminism?’ LSExSWIP 2025 Conference in Feminist and Gender Theory
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom
- Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP)
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The LSE’s Department of Government in collaboration with the Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP) is pleased to announce its first conference in Feminist, Gender and Queer theory. In a context where feminism is appealed to by a neo-conservative vindication of gendered relations of power that set in question reproductive rights and wider protections against gender-based violence: what exactly is feminism's next move? Such rising neo-conservativism is galvanized by reactionary politics around gender theory. Fear and anxiety around gender and gender theory have effectively worked to obscure existential threats in an increasingly precarious world characterized by rising fascism and authoritarianism. The stakes we face are high: the attack on gender undermines the right to a livable life, especially for women, queer and trans people. How can feminist, gender, and queer theory effectively resist this political backlash?
This conference is looking for abstracts that both directly respond to this political moment and offer new directions, pressing themes, political solutions, and methodologies for feminist, gender and queer theory. We are especially interested in papers that explore interdisciplinarity and intersectionality as pathways for developing new possibilities for feminist, gender and queer political theorizing. We also welcome submissions from the following fields: critical theory, political theory, political philosophy, critical race theory, postcolonial and decolonial thought.
To apply for this conference please submit your 500-word abstract via this form (https://forms.gle/3xTXADbG24Vjugvn7) by March 1st 2025. We aim to notify all applicants by the end of March.
Speakers who are not able to draw on institutional funds to support their attendance will be able to apply to the Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP) for an individual bursary of up to £150 in order to help cover the costs of attending. In order to apply for this bursary, you are required to become a member of SWIP.
This conference is hosted by LSE’s Department of Government in collaboration with the Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP). It is scheduled to take place in person on May 29th – 30th 2025 at the London School of Economics. For any further queries you can contact the conference organizers (Julia Costet and Nadia Ma) via the conference email [email protected].
We are also delighted to feature Professor Sumi Madhok (LSE), Professor Jeta Mulaj (Toronto Metropolitan University), and Dr Alyosxa Tudor (SOAS) for keynote speeches.
Non-speaker attendees are welcome but registration is necessary. If you wish to attend, please register by sending your name and institutional affiliation to [email protected] by May 22nd 2025.
The conference will be held in Marshall Building on LSE campus, which has wheelchair access, lifts, and accessible and gender neutral toilets. For more information on accessibility, please visit the LSE website (https://www.lse.ac.uk/lse-information/campus-map) or consult the LSE accessibility map (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.lse.ac.uk/lse-information/assets/documents/24-0378-accessibility-map-V2.pdf). If you have additional accessibility requests or require accommodation, please don't hesitate to let us know via the abstract submission form or by directly emailing us. We will try our best to accommodate your requests.
May 22, 2025, 12:00pm BST
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