29th Annual IAEP Conference
Granville 43023
United States
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29th meeting of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy
“Justice Centering Marginal Voices”
May 22–24, 2025 in person at Denison University
(with hybrid online access by Zoom)
The IAEP Executive Committee is excited to announce our 2025 annual meeting. To reduce the environmental impact of our environmental philosophy, we hold conferences in-person/hybrid in odd-numbered years, and fully remotely in even-numbered years. But we recognize the value of in-person conferences. This year, perhaps more than ever, we are grateful to gather in-person to strategize and energize around how our work can better pursue justice and support for our human and more-than-human kin.
Our conference this year will include opportunities for exploration of the local environment, including to the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks in central Ohio recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and time to build connections with one another in between sessions.
For this in-person conference, we invite proposals for individual papers and organized panels on any aspect of environmental philosophy, but will give priority to those engaged with questions of liberation and justice.
Papers should be limited to 20 minutes reading time, with an additional 20 minutes for discussion.
Individual Paper proposals: Please send a single-spaced Word document (prepared for blind review) including a proposal (500–600 words) PLUS a short abstract (75–100 words, for the conference program). In the body of the email, please include detailed contact information (including physical and electronic addresses) and academic affiliation(s) of the author(s).
Panel proposals (max. 3 papers): Please send one single-spaced Word document (prepared for blind review) including a title for the panel followed by titles, proposals and both paper proposals (500–600 words) and short abstracts (75–100 words) for each paper as described above. The body of the email should include contact information and affiliations for each author. Paper proposals will also be judged individually and may be accepted individually without acceptance of the entire panel.
ALL SUBMISSIONS and ENQUIRIES should be sent to [email protected].
Authors may submit only one proposal for consideration. Papers previously published or under review for publication will not be accepted. Review will prioritize in-person participation. Accepted authors must be members of IAEP and registered for the conference by 30 April 2025 or they will be removed from the program.
$250 PRIZE FOR BEST STUDENT ESSAY: Students, please indicate in your email if you wish to be considered for this prize. The winner will be announced during the conference.
DEADLINE for submissions: 15 April 2025
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