Summer School on Panpsychism

July 1, 2025 - July 3, 2025
Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb

Ulica grada Vukovara 54
Zagreb 10000

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Durham University
University of Inland Norway
King's College London

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Panpsychism, the view that consciousness permeates the universe at a fundamental level, has been gaining traction in both academic philosophy and the popular imagination. Positioning itself as a middle ground between reductive physicalism and substance dualism, panpsychism seeks to integrate consciousness into the natural world while (often) aiming to preserve the causal closure of the physical. The most prominent formulation of panpsychism comes from the family of views known as Russellian monism. Building on Bertrand Russell's observation that physics describes only what matter does, rather than its intrinsic nature, philosophers have sought candidates to fulfil this metaphysical role, with consciousness being the most common proposal. However, there are Russellian theories that do not posit fundamental consciousness, as well as panpsychism-adjacent views which do not necessarily adhere to a Russellian ontology. The Summer School aims to critically evaluate both the arguments in favour of and those against panpsychism and related theories, while providing a platform to analyse the broader debate on consciousness. Students will have the opportunity to engage with experts in the field, participate in discussions, explore a comprehensive reading list, while those who apply to present and are accepted will also have the chance to share their work and receive feedback. From the question of how fundamental consciousness gives rise to higher-level consciousness, to the relationship between phenomenal qualities and structure at different levels of explanation, and even to the nature of the universe as a whole, the topic can lead to numerous ways forward for both proponents and critics. Because of that, the Institute of Philosophy in Zagreb is thrilled to host the Summer School on Panpsychism, contributing to the ongoing debate surrounding this exciting and rapidly evolving topic.


  • Hedda Hassel Mørch, University of Inland Norway
  • David Papineau, King's College London/New York University
  • Philip Goff, Durham University (Online presentation)

First Call

The first call for the Summer School on Panpsychism invites PhD students to submit a brief abstract (200-250 words) along with relevant keywords to [email protected]. Please include your name, current academic status, and affiliation as well. Accepted students will have the opportunity to present their work in a 20-minute presentation, followed by a 10-minute discussion. There are six presentation slots available. Students who present will receive a certificate of participation detailing their workload (e.g., equivalent to ECTS credits in the EU), which may be recognised by their home universities. The registration fee for presenters is €100. The application deadline is 31 March 2025.

Details for the second, general call for attendees will be announced soon. Please follow our website for future updates:  

For any additional inquiries, please email [email protected].  

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March 31, 2025, 9:00pm CET

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