CFP: SCP Works in Progress Series
Submission deadline: February 1, 2025
Conference date(s):
Yesterday - June 13, 2025
Topic areas
The Society of Christian Philosophers' Work-in-Progress group invites abstracts of 800-1200 words on topics that may be of interest to Christian philosophers. We welcome papers on philosophy of religion, broadly construed, as well as other topics within philosophy that the author can bring to bear on religious issues. Topics may include (but are not limited to): religious epistemology, metaphysics, theistic ethics, analytic theology, religious diversity, religion and politics, religious trauma, and religion and virtue (or vice).
Although some slots will be reserved for members of the SCP, we welcome participation by individuals regardless of their membership and religious beliefs. We are eager to engage with members of other faith traditions, as well as those who offer a critical perspective on religion.
The group meets monthly on Zoom during the Fall and Spring semesters. Meeting times TBD. Sessions will last an hour, with 30 minutes of presentation and 30 minutes of discussion. We ask those who present at one of our workshops to also attend at least two other workshops of their choice.
Submissions for presentation in the fall are due by February 1. Email submissions to Josh Thurow at [email protected]. Email the same address if you are interested in attending group meetings and would like to receive email updates about the group and links to meetings.