Cyprus Metaethics Workshop 2025

May 2, 2025
University of Cyprus, Nicosia


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Stockholm University


University of Cyprus

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We are pleased to announce the Cyprus Metaethics Workshop 2025, which will take place on Friday the 2nd of May at the University of Cyprus, Nicosia. The keynote speaker will be Anandi Hattiangadi (Stockholm University).

We have four remaining slots for speakers and invite submissions of abstracts for talks within any area of metaethics, or metanormativity more broadly construed (epistemic, legal, political, semantic, logical, aesthetic etc.).

Abstracts should be up to 1000 words, suitable for a 40-minute talk (followed by 20 minutes Q&A), and anonymized for blind review.  We especially encourage submissions from anyone who is a member of a traditionally underrepresented group (women, minorities etc.) in philosophy.

The deadline for submissions is the 15th of March 2024 and we aim to provide a response within two weeks. For submissions, please send your anonymized abstract at . Please feel free to get in touch with Stavros Orfeas Zormpalas ( or Christos Kyriacou ( with any further questions you may have.

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