Spinoza and Simone Weil: Influences and Interconnections

May 22, 2025 - May 23, 2025
University of Oxford

St Hugh's College
Oxford OX2 6LE
United Kingdom

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  • British Society for the History of Philosophy
  • Mind Trust
  • Spinoza-Gesellschaft
  • University of Oxford Philosophy Faculty


Universität Leipzig


University of Oxford
Manchester Metropolitan University
Heidelberg University

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Spinoza is widely recognised as one of Simone Weil’s most profound influences. Despite this, his influence on her ideas has been the subject of limited consideration in the relevant literature. As a reader and interpreter of Spinoza, Simone Weil has received even less recognition despite undeniable similarities in their philosophies.

Authors writing about Spinoza’s influence on Simone Weil have tended to adopt one of four strategies for doing so. Some merely acknowledge this influence without further discussion.Others indicate the period in Weil’s life at which this influence was the strongest, usually during her ‘early’ (1929-1934) career.Others are still more specific in describing this influence, stating in which of Weil’s ideas Spinoza’s presence can be felt.Apart from those who write about this influence are some who argue for an affinity between Weil and Spinoza’s ideas, ignoring Weil’s actual comments on him when assessing their relation.Despite all this, it may be appropriate to follow Comte-Sponville, who argues that “the influence of Spinoza on Simone Weil […] is less than one might think.”

This conference has two aims: 1) To unpack the historical influence of Spinoza’s ideas on Simone Weil, both through her teachers (especially Lagneau and Alain) and her independent studies, and 2) to consider Spinoza’s philosophy in light of Weil’s interpretation, highlighting similarities and linkages between Spinoza and Weil’s philosophies that elucidate some aspects of either of their ideas. These topics have been considered by Peter Winch (Spinoza on Ethics and Understanding and Simone Weil: ‘The Just Balance’) and Alain Goldschläger (Simone Weil et Spinoza). But there is clearly much more to be said on the alleged importance of Spinoza to Weil, as well as the phenomenological and political dimensions that Weil might bring to Spinoza’s philosophy.

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